Addison's first Piggy Tails
Sitting in her Lazy Chair Watching "Finding Nemo" (something she has to watch everyday!!)
Lillian riding her scooter inside the house. Getting lots of practice riding around inside. I think she will be good outside this summer.
Notice Lillian with her arms folded. She is pouting because she doesn't want her picture taken. Notice her little sister behind her copying exactly what her big sis is doing.
I'm a little behind with blogging!! It seems I have been more busy past few days. All the kids are down for naps right now. It sure is peaceful. Lillian went over to Ella's house for a play date this morning and Ella then came over here to play. They kept themselves entertained really well today. We all went outside for about 20 minutes today before naps. Its only about 30 degrees but they ran around so much that they stayed pretty warm. It makes me really ready for spring and summer.
Eventt and I finally had a good night sleep last night. Both girls slept all night!! Addison is cutting her eye teeth, and Lillian was diagnosed with an ear infection on Sunday. So they both haven't been sleeping good through the nights.
Went to a pre school meeting last night about a new preschool starting at Ossian Elementary. I plan to go visit a couple more in town to decide which one Lillian will go to this fall. Seems crazy its time to do that already. It's kinda sad she will be starting school, but I really think she is ready. She is getting a bit bored at home sometimes. It will be kinda nice to have just me and Addie time!
Eventt and I are still running. We are supposed to do 7 miles sometime this week. We run 3-4 miles about 4 days a week and then have a "long run" (7 miles this week). I really enjoy it, but wish it would get warmer.
Well better get this house cleaned up before everyone gets up from their naps.