Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Easter Treats

Ok Grandma, the girls have been bugging me to make the Easter treat in the jar. So today we dumped it all in the bowl like the recipe says then a few M&M's got ate and a few bites of the Easter bunnies were snuck. But all in all the baking went well and even better was the eating the treat after lunch today. Thanks Great Grandma Bollenbacher for the Easter Treats!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Eating supper in the warm weather

The girls had to eat supper out on the outside table. On the menu: cooked carrots, bologna sandwich, cottage cheese. The gobbled it up. Its not the normal supper but we had a big taco salad for lunch so I decided to make it an easy supper.

Best friends sharing a seat. They also insist on having matching plates and spoons now!

One warm spring windy day!

All the girls played "baseball". They would take turns hitting the ball with the bat. Gives them good hand eye coordination you know.

Oh my this scares me! Can you imagine these girls all together in a real car when they are 16?

We flew a kite until it was Addie's turn to fly it and she let go and it flew over to the neighbors yard and the handle got stuck in their tree. It then flew above their house for a few hours till they got home and rescued it for us.

Lillian flying the kite. She loved it. Ella was a bit scared at first but soon wanted her turn. Addie wanted a turn so bad then wheew of the kite went. Little stinker.

Ella chilling in the sun.

The girls laying down for "quiet time". Of coarse they had to have a snack and drink and watch a movie. For the most part they lay quietly for about 1 hour. Lillian has been skipping naps every once in awhile. She still mostly needs them. If she skips it she is exhausted by 8pm.

Time to come inside and cool off with a Lemonade break. Even Claire had to join in! It got Hot outside!!

The girls trying to cool off. It wasn't long though and Ella was saying, "Lilly lets go outside and jump on the trampoween." So off they went back outside for some more fun.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring is here!

We went to the zoo today with Stacy, Ella, and Claire. The girls had so much fun. It was so nice to get outside and run around. Afterwards we had a picnic at the park and played on the playground. The girls and I were so tired afterwards we all came home and slept 3 hours!! They were still talking about the animals tonight. Addie was excited about the Nemo fish and the sharks. Lilly was upset she didn't get to see the zebras or the giraffes.

Lillian's dance class yesterday was held at Life Church in Bluffton. They are practicing for the upcoming recital. Lillian seems to "get it" now. I think she is finally enjoying it. I think it does her good to be around other kids and follow the instructions.

Swim class. What a big day! Lillian actually swam a bit all by herself. I'm getting excited to get our pool open for the summer.

Sunday the girls, Eventt and I went to Muncie to visit some of my college friends. It was so good to see them! The girls enjoyed playing with Amy's little girl Elana.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Time for an update

Tonight the girls were exhausted. They are both still in swimming lessons and both love the water almost more then fish! I think this summer in the pool will be great! The zoo is open now and Lillian cannot stop talking about going there. Its a good thing we have a season pass! The weather is rainy and the girls and I are really missing going outside. Hopefully the next few days it will get nice and warm again. Below are pics of the girls at Quabache State park. "Grandma and Grandpa B." watched the girls while I ran a 10 mile race. The girls waited for me at the end and finished the race with me. I hope the girls like running when they get older and maybe watching me will spark an interest. They sure had a blast playing and waiting for me. Lillian met a girl her age named Alex. She has talked about her quite a bit. Lilly is not shy at all she loves to befriend people. Hopefully that all doesn't change when she goes to preschool.
Lillian had her first dentist cleaning last week. She did very well. She first watched me get a cleaning done then she couldn't wait until it was her turn. She got a clean bill of health. I, on the other hand have a cavity. No new news. I knew I had this last cleaning, but due to my TMJ not allowing me to open my mouth wide I could not get it filled. Since I have been wearing my mouth splints, it is getting better. I guess now I have to get the cavity filled ugg... Goes right along with the root canal I had to have 3 weeks ago. Thanks mom and dad for bad teeth genes.
Addie is fighting a little croup cough. Darn virus! I was hoping we were getting over the winter colds. She couldn't nap today because she was coughing so much. Hopefully tonight her sleep goes better.
Slow and steady, but I finished and won a 1st in age group award!
The girls running to the finish line with me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

The girls taking a drink break after all the dancing they did!!

Crazy dancing girls!! I bet they danced to the doodle bops for 1/2 hour!!
"Mom help!!, We are stuck" Silly girls got stuck in this slide together!!
Addison wore the goggles so long they got all fogged up. Not sure how she was seeing anything!

Mr. Pickle. Thanks aunt T!!I cannot believe how busy we have been lately. Lillian is still doing her dance practice and the next few weeks she has class 2 times a week. I have also enrolled the girls into swim lessons. It is 2 times a week for the next 6 weeks. I have wanted to blog for the last few weeks and just can't seem to get to it. Tonight we are going to Lillian's pre school open house. She is excited to see her school again for next year. It still seems crazy to me that she is going. I remember thinking I can't wait until she starts school, and now it kinda makes me sad. It means she is growing up. Lillian had another ear infection last week. That makes 3 in the past couple months. I made a follow up appointment at Dr. Judges for her. I wonder if she will need a tube in that ear? She is still having trouble potty training. She dribbles a little each time. Last time I had her at the Dr. she had a bladder infection. I suppose he will test it again and if she still has one I think they will want her to go to a pediatric urologist. Uggg!! Too bad there isn't a manual I can read on parenting!!

Addie is growing up so fast too. She talks all the time. Sometimes she talks so fast, that she just jibbers and you have no idea what she is saying. Today she was really tired for her nap. She said, "mommy I wanna go night night". She really enjoyed her swim lesson last night. It was the first time in the pool since last summer. and she liked putting her head down in the water. I'm glad both my girls are water babies.

I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I started going to an orthodontist for my jaw pain. I am in a soft splint now and next week I get this horrible big splint that will push my jaw out. Unfortunately, this morning I woke up with a tooth ache (never had anything like this before) I got in at a dentist here in town. I go at 1:45 today. I see a line or crack like thing in the tooth that is hurting me, so not sure what its all about I just hope its easy to fix.Eventt has been busy at the store. People are starting to do a bit of yard work and gardening. If this weather would just stay warm and STOP SNOWING!!! Things may even get busier.