Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

The girls taking a drink break after all the dancing they did!!

Crazy dancing girls!! I bet they danced to the doodle bops for 1/2 hour!!
"Mom help!!, We are stuck" Silly girls got stuck in this slide together!!
Addison wore the goggles so long they got all fogged up. Not sure how she was seeing anything!

Mr. Pickle. Thanks aunt T!!I cannot believe how busy we have been lately. Lillian is still doing her dance practice and the next few weeks she has class 2 times a week. I have also enrolled the girls into swim lessons. It is 2 times a week for the next 6 weeks. I have wanted to blog for the last few weeks and just can't seem to get to it. Tonight we are going to Lillian's pre school open house. She is excited to see her school again for next year. It still seems crazy to me that she is going. I remember thinking I can't wait until she starts school, and now it kinda makes me sad. It means she is growing up. Lillian had another ear infection last week. That makes 3 in the past couple months. I made a follow up appointment at Dr. Judges for her. I wonder if she will need a tube in that ear? She is still having trouble potty training. She dribbles a little each time. Last time I had her at the Dr. she had a bladder infection. I suppose he will test it again and if she still has one I think they will want her to go to a pediatric urologist. Uggg!! Too bad there isn't a manual I can read on parenting!!

Addie is growing up so fast too. She talks all the time. Sometimes she talks so fast, that she just jibbers and you have no idea what she is saying. Today she was really tired for her nap. She said, "mommy I wanna go night night". She really enjoyed her swim lesson last night. It was the first time in the pool since last summer. and she liked putting her head down in the water. I'm glad both my girls are water babies.

I'm not sure if I already mentioned this but I started going to an orthodontist for my jaw pain. I am in a soft splint now and next week I get this horrible big splint that will push my jaw out. Unfortunately, this morning I woke up with a tooth ache (never had anything like this before) I got in at a dentist here in town. I go at 1:45 today. I see a line or crack like thing in the tooth that is hurting me, so not sure what its all about I just hope its easy to fix.Eventt has been busy at the store. People are starting to do a bit of yard work and gardening. If this weather would just stay warm and STOP SNOWING!!! Things may even get busier.

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