Sunday, April 26, 2009

One warm spring windy day!

All the girls played "baseball". They would take turns hitting the ball with the bat. Gives them good hand eye coordination you know.

Oh my this scares me! Can you imagine these girls all together in a real car when they are 16?

We flew a kite until it was Addie's turn to fly it and she let go and it flew over to the neighbors yard and the handle got stuck in their tree. It then flew above their house for a few hours till they got home and rescued it for us.

Lillian flying the kite. She loved it. Ella was a bit scared at first but soon wanted her turn. Addie wanted a turn so bad then wheew of the kite went. Little stinker.

Ella chilling in the sun.

The girls laying down for "quiet time". Of coarse they had to have a snack and drink and watch a movie. For the most part they lay quietly for about 1 hour. Lillian has been skipping naps every once in awhile. She still mostly needs them. If she skips it she is exhausted by 8pm.

Time to come inside and cool off with a Lemonade break. Even Claire had to join in! It got Hot outside!!

The girls trying to cool off. It wasn't long though and Ella was saying, "Lilly lets go outside and jump on the trampoween." So off they went back outside for some more fun.

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