Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Babysitting Fun

Claire wishing for a pedicure. (or at least the ability to crawl over and get all the polish and tools)
Soaking up the rich life haahaaa
Friends forever

Music Makers (It was loud!)

Sometimes I wonder what the girls and I did all week when we didn't babysit the DesJean girls. Anyway, this is a few pics I promised Stacy that I would post. Yesterday Aunt Ashley was here and she helped me give Ella and Lillian pedicures. They loved soaking their feet and loved getting them rubbed. Mostly they loved the snack, juice, and show got to enjoy until their toe nails dried. Lillian has regressed again on her potty training and she has such a rotten attitude about it. She has been a bit of a bear lately and I think Addison's teeth are bothering her. Anyway it's been a grouchy home and no wonder Eventt has been working more. HA!! I have searched and read about the whole potty training thing and not sure what to do about it. Most things say to not worry about it and that it is normal until around age 4 to regress often. ( Age 4 will be here too soon!) I think maybe we have been too hard on her. I know she hates that she pees her pants because today she took them upstairs and tried to hide them from me (ewwww...). I have been trying to relax about it all, but its hard. Grrr... Oh well any advise let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I love those pics. could I have some copies of those??? Lilly will catch on to the potty training thing. just be patient. I am so glad we can vent to each other about our girls's wonderful behavior. hang in there it has to get better.
