Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New year

So one of my New Years resolutions is to play more with the girls. When Lillian was little it seemed like I played with her way more then what I have time to play with them now. We have even been skipping the book reading sometimes at night. I hate that!! So, today we did tons of creative play, made a tent, read books, colored with markers, Hide and Seek, make music, etc. It was fun playing with them and they love having my undivided attention. My house is a mess but oh well I will get up and clean it in a bit.
New years eve we had Christmas with Eventt's side of the family. Lillian never stopped running and playing the entire night. In fact the potty trained girl peed her pants 3 times!! No time to stop and potty. I guess we should have paid more attention. She has just been doing so good I took it for granted. The girls got to bed around 11:00 and Eventt and I stayed up till past midnight then crashed. (Does this mean we are getting old?)We didn't' even have one drink!! Guess we made up for that in Jamaica where it was free Haha!
Addison's vocabulary seems to be growing every day. She will repeat anything you tell her to say. I love this age. She has a runny nose and cough and wants me to hold her a lot. Not sure if she is cutting teeth or growing but she is also sleeping more.
Lillian completed her Princess set and still continues to play with those silly little princess dolls all the time. Last night I set up an entire "Barbie House" with her barbie and princess stuff and she played with her Ariel and Eric (Little Mermaid) barbies for hours!! I am trying to get her to write her name. She can do the "L" and the "i". She also can say her phone number. Its fun to watch her learn.


  1. I love your slide show. You will have to show me how to do that. I guess I should start working with Ella on those same things (name, phone number) I wouldn't want her to be behind:)

  2. Ha Ha...Ella is NOT behind. She is a super smart little girl (sometimes a little to smart for her little britches hehe...) And she at least pees on the potty :)
